Text: Eastern Military District Press Service
Photo: Eastern Military District Press Service
Winter combat training enters active phase at Pacific Fleet (PF). Servicemen will carry out numerous drills in order to improve cohesion of tactical task units.

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Pacific Fleet Task Units Prepare to Take Sea

Totally, PF mariners will perform over 50 training tasks in April, more than 160 missile and gun firing drills, and about 20 mine and torpedo exercises.
Early in Apr, ships of PF Primorskaya Flotilla will conduct qualification exercise in Peter the Great Gulf. Three divisions of surface ships and submarines under general command of PF Primorskaya Flotilla Commander RADM Viktor Sokolov will participate in the training activities. About 30 warships and supply vessels will be involved. ASW aviation will take an active part as well.
Missile ships led by cruiser Varyag will leave bases first.
Minesweepers, large and small ASW ships will carry out harbor defense activities.
One of the episodes will be antisubmarine drill; SSK Varshavyanka will act as "enemy" submarine. Her crew will try to disturb the opponent's plans and execute an effective torpedo attack upon the task unit.
Qualification exercise will last till mid-Apr, and after a short rest a PF task force will head for the Yellow Sea to participate in the Maritime Cooperation 2012 Russo-Chinese exercise.
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