Text: Western Military District Press Service
Photo: Western Military District Press Service
Baltic Fleet (BF) continues implementing of the ammunition disposal program. The fleet's engineers have already disposed most of munitions (24,000 tons) in 2010-2011. In the current year, it is planned to utilize about 9,000 tons. Three BF training ranges are involved – Pavenkovo, Dobrovolsky, and Khmelevka.

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Baltic Fleet to Dispose 9,000 Tons Outaged Munitions

Demolition experts daily dispose about 50 tons of munitions, and over 200 tons in a week.
The ammunition disposal program was agreed upon with Kaliningrad Governor, Director of Kaliningrad EMERCOM Dept, Director of Kaliningrad FSB Dept, Director of Baltic Fleet FSB Dept, and approved by BF Commander.
To minimize explosion hazards to population and local infrastructure, overall explosion yield of simultaneously disposed munitions was reduced by one third. For one, at Khmelevka Range it was decreased fr om 50 to 25 kg; at Pavenkovo and Dobrovolsky ranges – from 120 to 80 kg. Explosion works are conducted only on weekdays during working hours.
Field inspection panel including representatives of Kaliningrad municipal authorities worked at Pavenkovo Range early in April. According to the summary report, blast effects were within acceptable lim its, so the given method of munitions disposal does not have destructive effect on surrounding population centers.
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