Text: Southern Military District Press Service
Photo: Southern Military District Press Service
The 3-day final planning conference of the Fairway of Peace 2012 Russian-Ukrainian naval exercise takes place in the Nakhimov Naval Academy in Sevastopol. The exercise will be held late in May 2012.

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Russia, Ukraine Completes Planning of Fairway of Peace 2012 Exercise

In accordance with rotational principle, Ukrainian Navy Commander ADM Viktor Maksimov was appointed the exercise director. During the exercise, it is planned to plan and conduct humanitarian operation.
The Fairway of Peace 2012 joint exercise will be held in Ukrainian Navy's academy and the Sevastopol Harbor. Structurally, the exercise will comprise joint headquarters, maritime/aircraft/coastal components, and support forces.
About 10 ships will be involved in the sea phase; 15 wheeled and armor vehicles, up to 90 men, and a joint medical unit will participate in the coastal phase.
Russian working group is headed by Black Sea Fleet Deputy Commander RADM Alexander Nosatov.
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