Photo: Corvette Stoiky.

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"Corvette Stoiky: Russian Navy's Hope"

The ceremony was opened by BF Deputy Commander Rear Admiral Sergei A. Farkov. He pointed out that corvette Stoiky had a name traditional for Russian Navy. "It is the fourth warship bearing this name, and two her predecessors were also built by this shipyard", Farkov said. He extended thanks to the shipbuilders saying that "two corvettes constructed by Severnaya Verf are proudly flying the flag of Baltic Fleet. Thank you very much for the work you do!"
The next spokesman was Alexander I. Medvedev, head of industry development office at St. Petersburg Administration. "Our office has been always assisting the shipyard in defense order matters. We will continue trying to make defense contracts of Severnaya Verf as large as possible. I wish shipbuilders new success in their work", he said.
In his speech, Vice President of USC Anatoly P. Tiukov congratulated shipwrights on the new labor achievement on behalf of United Shipbuilding Corporation directors. "The shipyard is receiving new credit to speed up construction process. USC will exert every effort to help the yard meet all commitments regarding completion, launching, trials and delivery of new ships to the Navy. This corvette is the hope of Russian Navy and the ship of 21-st century! USC will work diligently to make the yard complete all defense contracts in time", Tiukov said. Director of defense ministry's procurement department Andrei P. Vernigora said in his turn that "defense ministry relies on Severnaya Verf being confident upon all orders to be executed in full". As for him, "Stoiky is the last ship in Project 20380 series. Next in turn is a new contract on four modernized Project 20385 corvettes, so the shipyard has lot of work ahead".
"Today is a remarkable day! Launching of the newest ship is a significant event both for the Navy and the shipyard", said Konstantin G. Golubev, chief engineer of the Almaz Central Design Bureau developed the corvette project. "I thank employees of the shipyard and contracting organizations for construction of Stoiky. Fair seas and following winds to the corvette! Soon will come more advanced and more powerful ships. Our bureau is working on the next, third-generation corvettes". Director General of JSC Severnaya Verf Alexander V. Ushakov closed the meeting with words of gratitude to the shipyard's staff, and reminded about new challenges. "We have a strenuous production program this year. The yard builds frigates, corvettes, and a reconnaissance ship. Corvette Boiky will start trials in the nearest future. I am sure the shipyard will complete all contracts in time", Ushakov concluded.
After the meeting, the newly built corvette was blessed by Father Vitaly from Nikolsky Marine Cathedral (St. Petersburg). When the religious part was over, the ship's construction manager reported to the director that the corvette was ready for launching. Alexander Ushakov gave a command to put the vessel afloat, and the Stoiky's sponsor Natalia Yegorova smashed traditional champagne bottle at the corvette board eliciting applause from the audience.
"Sir, what fleet will be the home base for corvette Stoiky? – She will serve in Baltic Fleet. Along with other ships of this project, Stoiky will join the corvette division based in Baltiysk".
"When is it planned to commission Stoiky into Russian Navy? – Dockside trials are to start in September. If things go right – and I'm sure they will – the corvette would join the Navy by the year end".
"Thank you!"
The festive ceremony finished with giving out certificates of honor and gifts to the most distinguished shipwrights. After docking operations, the ship will take her place at the shipyard's outfitting quay.
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