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Pella Shipyard Launched Tug for Russian Navy

Azimuth tug RB-391 (serial number 932) is the twelfth Project 90600 vessel built for Russian Navy. Multipurpose ships of this type have been serving at Northern, Black Sea, and Baltic fleets for several years. Festive ensign-hoisting ceremony on harbor tugs RB-20 and RB-27 built by Pella Shipyard for Baltic Fleet's Leningrad Naval Base was held on June 1, 2012 in Kronshtadt. Two Project 16609 tugs Delfin (serial number 618) and Kasatka (serial number 618) on June 7 left the shipyard and set a northward course. Homeport of the both boats is Murmansk.
The launched tug will pass shipyard's and state acceptance trials and be sent to renew Baltic Fleet auxiliary flotilla.
In total, Pella has built 17 various vessels for Russian Navy. The shipyard continues implementing defense orders, and there are not only tugs. For example, the yard won the contract for 4 multi-functional Project SKPO-1000 harbor craft (Project 03180 for Navy) displacing over 2,000 tons each. According to the contract, first two vessels are to be delivered in 2013, other two in 2014.
Project 90600 is designed for towing and mooring operations in ports, harbors, and littoral zones. Such tugs are meant for bringing ships afloat, fire extinguishing operations on floating assets and coastal structures, oil spill response activities, carrying small parcels of cargo, washing out ice coverage in the fleet's basing sites, etc.
Basic characteristics of Project 90600 tug:
displacement - 415 tons
length overall 25.4 meters
beam overall 8.8 meters
maximum draft 3.8 meters
speed - 12 knots
hook towing force up to 35 tons
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