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China Feels Offended: Russian Carrier Failed Trials Not Due to Chinese Bricks

China Feels Offended: Russian Carrier Failed Trials Not Due to Chinese Bricks 28.09.2012
Text: NEWSru.com
Photo: Vzglyad
China denies delivery of fireproof bricks for boiler furnaces of aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya (former Admiral Gorshkov) destructed during the ship's trials, reports RIA Novosti referring to interview of Chinese defense ministry's spokesman Yang Yujun to the Beijing Chen Bao newspaper.

Earlier on, Russian media reported referring to the president of United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) Andrei Diachkov that Russian shipbuilders had used Chinese-made bricks during modernization of aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya.

According to Diachkov, during the sea trials the fireproof brickwork was repaired by alternative disabling of boilers, but nevertheless it was destructed again at next attempts to reach full-power modes.

"The boilers were made under India's request and work on diesel fuel. In contrast, Russian Navy uses boilers working on oil fuel", said Diachkov meeting with vice premier Dmitry Rogozin and discussing the incident.

Answering Rogozin's question what materials were used, Diachkov said it was "fireclay bricks made in China". "Unfortunately, Russia has lost production technology of that material", admitted the USC president.

Official representative of a non-profit organization named "Chrysotile Association" earlier said that breakdown of the carrier's powerplant might be associated with replacement of asbestos thermal insulation for chamotte bricks.

According to the press, that was India's initiative to exclude asbestos from heat-insulation units. The reason was influence of asbestos materials on human health.

It was found out after investigation that Chinese manufacturers of insulating firebricks have never exported them to Russia, Yang Yujun said.

Indian aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya (former Russian aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Gorshkov) has passed large-scale retrofitting at Sevmash shipyard. The ship has flight deck and ski-ramp for MiG-29K fighters. The carrier received latest equipment, navigational and radar systems, aircraft communication and control aids.

Initially, it was planned to hand over the ship to Indian Navy on Dec 2012. According to some media sources, because of failure happened to three out of eight steam boilers, the carrier's delivery can be delayed for one year, and repair would cost a billion rubles.

That information was confirmed soon. Diachkov declared that repair would finish in May 2013, and the ship's delivery date would be postponed for 9 months. Cost of repairs was not disclosed however.

The protocol on sea trials of INS Vikramaditya is to be signed on Friday, Sept 28.

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