Photo: Model of S1000 non-nuclear submarine.

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Media: Russian-Italian Submarine Project Gets Rolling

"The board convened in Italy early October and discussed the possibility to launch this project. In the working protocol, the parties documented certain steps to promote S1000 at third countries' markets", the insider told Kommersant.
For instance, in order to cheapen the final product, the parties agreed to change balance of constituent parts made in Italy and Russia as 80% and 20% respectively, said the source. Initially, it was supposed that the balance would be 50/50. One of the principal curtailments of expenses is refusal to equip the Project S1000 submarines with expensive Russian weapons, the insider concluded.
Originally, it was supposed to arm S1000 subs with Black Shark standard remotely-controlled torpedoes (jointly designed by Italy and France) and Russian submarine-launched cruise missiles Club capable to hit sea- and land-based targets at considerable ranges.
"The project simplification by excluding of Club missile system entails refusal of all associated guidance systems and some radioelectronics. Related transportation and customs costs are also cut down", he explained.
The joint submarine development project was kicked off by Italy's largest shipbuilding company Fincantieri and Russian design bureau Rubin under the contract signed in 2004.
The works were held under technical specification and financing of Italian Navy. Conceptual designing finished in 2008, but then the project was suspended due to financial problems.
It was believed that S1000 subs would be constructed by Fincantieri shipyards. S1000 submarines are meant neither for Russian nor for Italian navies and will be offered only for third countries. If the client is found, it will take 48 months to develop technical documentation and build the lead submarine.
Project S1000 non-nuclear submarines are to be used in tropical conditions, amid islands, mostly in shallow waters. The concept is based on high combat effectiveness, simplicity of operation, and moderate price. The sub's crew is 16 men plus 6 seals; length is 56.2 meters; outer diameter of strength hull is 5.5 meters; submerged displacement is about 1,100 tons; max diving depth is about 250 meters; max underwater speed is 14 knots.
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