Text: Eastern Military District Press Service
Photo: Eastern Military District Press Service
The only Russian Navy's educational institution in the Far East celebrates 75-th anniversary. Being currently a branch of the Kuznetsov Naval Academy, the Makarov Pacific Naval College was founded on Nov 8, 1937. Today, the college continues training naval officers.

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Pacific Naval College Turns 75

Through its 75-year long history, the college has trained over 19,000 naval officers; about 200 of them became admirals and generals. Among them are former Russian Navy Commanders-in-Chief ADM Felix Gromov and ADM Vladimir Kuroyedov, Deputy Navy Commander ADM Mikhail Zakharenko, Chief of Navy Main HQ ADM Mikhail Abramov, Pacific Fleet Commander ADM Viktor Fedorov, current Navy Commander-in-Chief ADM Viktor Chirkov and Eastern Military District Commander ADM Konstantin Sidenko. Sixteen graduates deserved title "Hero of the Russian Federation".
"Bearing the name of the famous naval leader Stepan O. Makarov, this Russia's only naval college in the Far East dates back to 1937 when the Council of People's Commissars issued a decree to expand network of naval educational institutions and to establish the Third Naval College", said Capt 1 Rank Eduard Moskalenko, acting commanding officer of the college. The college day is annually celebrated on Nov 8. In 1944, it obtained the combat color that is the symbol of valor and courage. The college color still stands in the central hall guarded by a duty cadet day and night.
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