Text: Eastern Military District Press Service
Photo: Eastern Military District Press Service
Crew of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) Svyatoi Georgy Pobedonosets was triumphantly met on Nov 9 in Vilyuchinsk submarine station, Kamchatka. After completion of deployment, the crew took part in the meeting ceremony attended by Pacific Fleet (PF) command and families of the submariners.

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SSBN Svyatoi Georgy Pobedonosets Returned to Vilyuchinsk

Representatives of the PF command, PF submarine force department, Kamchatka Eparchy, Vilyuchinsk local administration, relatives of the submariners met the crewmen in the homebase to accompaniment of naval band.
After mooring and report of the submarine's commanding officer Capt 1 Rank Sergei Nemoguschiy on the successful completion of combat training tasks, PF Deputy Commander RADM Andrei Ryabukhin and other top-ranking officers congratulated the crew.
The sub's commanding officer took over the traditional roasted piglet. Submariners distinguished in the mission were awarded valuable gifts and commendations.
After brief rest of the crew, SSBN Svyatoi Georgy Pobedonosets will be ready to take the sea again to accomplish assigned missions.
In Oct 2012, the submarine carried out underwater test launch of a ballistic missile in the Sea of Okhotsk. The missile reached the target at the Chizha Range in the White Sea. According to PF command, that firing test was nominated for the Navy Commander's Prize.
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