11.11.2009 Summer training period is finished at ships, units and divisions of Russia's oldest fleet. Baltic mariners summarized preliminary results of strenuous combat training.
It was mentioned at recent festivities regarding naval servicemen professional day that combat training program had been completely fulfilled. All given tasks at sea, air and land were successfully accomplished.
Dozens of missile and torpedo firings, hundreds of artillery qualification firings were executed as well as numerous other combat drills. Baltic Fleet's vessels paid visits and business calls at various ports of Europe and Africa. About 6 000 foreign visitors have become guests of Russian sailors. Over two thousand seamen, sergeants, warrants and officers have been performing combat and training tasks in Baltic, North, Mediterranean and Black seas; BF frigate Neustrashimy carried out first in new Russian Navy's history long-term cruise in the Gulf of Aden. Baltic sailors have successfully accomplished combat task on anti-piracy international shipping security near Horn of Africa.
An important test of operational readiness was participation of Baltic mariners in operational-strategic exercise Zapad-2009. During that exercise Baltic Fleet's large landing ships Kaliningrad, Korolev, Minsk, aircushion ships Mordovia, Evgeny Kocheshkov in cooperation with ships of Northern Fleet Georgy Pobedonosets, Alexander Otrakovsky and Black Sea Fleet ships Azov, Novocherkassk and Yamal under fire support of frigates Neustrashimy, Yaroslav Mudry, Pylkiy have successfully landed marine unit on unequipped coast. Baltic Fleet's servicemen were highly estimated by Russia's Supreme Commander for naval skills displayed.