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Mistral may be purchased only after its detailed study

French Mistral-type multipurpose landing ship may be purchased for Russian Navy only after its detailed study, told official from Russian defense ministry to RIA Novosti on Wednesday.
According to Russian Chief of General Staff Nikolai Makarov, Russia will find its position in the matter of probable procurement of French Mistral-type helicopter carriers by the end of the year. "Till the end of the year it will be clear whether or not we purchase Mistral", said Mr. Makarov.
"Various experts are currently conducting elaborate study of Mistral-type ship performance characteristics as well as potential infrastructure and basing sites", said the interviewee.
According to him, issues of specialist training and in-service maintenance should be also worked out thoroughly.
"The key factor in matter of potential import of French helicopter carrier will be efficiency assessment of technology applied under Russian shipbuilding program. Undoubtedly, domestic military industrial complex must be interested in that", mentioned the expert.
The question of procurement of the French landing ship Mistral remains open, he added. "Conclusion will be made only after full-scale research of all mentioned aspects".
The experience of importing warships abroad is not a novelty to Russia and exists through the whole history of our Navy, reminded the interviewee.
"Russia imported cruisers for its Imperial Navy; for example, Varyag. In Soviet times national Navy also supplemented by warships made at East German, Polish and Finnish shipyards", said the expert.
"In this particular case Russia's interest in Mistral-class ships is primarily dictated by forthcoming demand for ocean-going vessels which are considerably multifunctional", underlined the interviewee.
According to French media, the cost of Mistral-type helicopter carrier which will be probably sold to Russian Navy makes 400-500 mln euros. The carrier will be constructed at STX France shipyards (former Chantiers de l'Atlantique) in Saint-Nazaire, Atlantic cost. French naval concern DCNS will be a partner. French Navy currently possesses two ships of this type – Mistral and Tonnerre.
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