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Ceremony on 106th anniversary of Varyag held in Vladivostok

106th anniversary of heroic deed of legendary cruiser Varyag and gunboat Koreyets was celebrated at Naval Cemetery in Vladivostok on Tuesday.
Among attendants were representatives of Pacific Fleet command, Vladivostok city administration, educatees of children's flotilla "Varyag" and other children's military patriotic clubs, representatives of veteran organizations, officers and enlisted of Guard missile cruiser Varyag. Wreaths and flowers were laid at the monument to heroes of Varyag; a prayer was said in commemoration of sailors whose heroism has become a symbol of courage and bravery.
On February 9 [January 27 O.S.], 1904 at the first day of Russo-Japanese War cruiser Varyag and gunboat Koreyets had to conduct a non-equal battle sea against 14 Japanese destroyers off Korean port Chemulpo. Varyag fired 1,105 gunshots, scuppered one destroyer and seriously damaged two cruisers. But force was so unequal that the cruiser had to retreat to the harbor when all avenues were explored. At noon gunboat Koreyets was exploded and then Varyag followed her to the sea abyss flaunting St. Andrew's flag.
Right after the battle 24 Russian sailors were placed in the small hospital of Chemulpo port. Dying of wounds, they implored to be buried in Russian land. Most of all hospital staff was amazed by courage of seaman gunner Dmitry Sharapov. Surgeons pulled 165 frags out of his honeycombed body, although could not save him.
Abiding last will of Varyag's heroes, in 1911 Russian government requested Japanese authorities to return ashes of sailors to Russia. The permission was granted. On December 20 the heroes were buried at Naval Cemetery in Vladivostok.
In summer 1912 a modest grey granite obelus was erected on the bed of honor; it was made on people's donations and crowned with sculpture of St. George's Cross. There's a plaque on frontage saying: "To enlisted men of cruiser Varyag died in battle against Japanese squadron off Chemulpo on January 27, 1904". Around the monument there are graves of participants of Russo-Japanese War, informs ITAR-TASS.
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