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Russian submariners celebrate their holiday

Submariners' Day is celebrated in Russia. 104 years ago Maritime Ministry of the Russian Empire issued a decree declaring submarines as independent class of warships. At Pacific Fleet's main base in Vladivostok this day began with triumphant hoist of ships' colors. Crewmen of SSBN Svyatoi Georgy Pobedonosets celebrate their professional holiday along with colleagues.
Everyone in SSBN Svyatoi Georgy Pobedonosets is making preparations for sailing off Krasheninnikov Harbor to Pacific Ocean. Crewmembers are checking operability of all units. Submarine commander Valery Kazakov tells that "submarine is a multifunctional well-adjusted living organism. To prevent emergencies, studying and drills are critical. Next come exercises. These three components ensure cohesiveness of crew".
Submarine is moored at the pier 15-min away from home. But it is prohibited to go ashore. Commander is allowed to see his wife and son just at request of the film crew. Family of Valery Kazakov habituate themselves to the new spacious apartment. His wife Irina is native of St. Petersburg. Now she is knitting next pair of worsted socks. She says Valery feels comfortable wearing them in the sub. "I love my husband and ready to go to the end of the world with him", confessed she.
Son Herman is at computer doing home task on informatics. He says during ten years he has changed five schools in St. Pete and Kamchatka. Herman respects father's job, although has chosen another way for himself. At present he is about to enter financial college. "I rarely see dad but keep in with him. Wish he showed home more often but what can we do?… That's his job", tells son of submarine commander.
On-the-run tea ceremony; next time Valery will see the family in two weeks and again for short while. Then will be a long-range cruise for a month or something. The crew of Valery Kazakov is job-proved old sea dogs. Technician of liaison group Sergei Podrezov is a veteran submariner. He is father of seven and his eigne son also serves in the sub. "The only distinction of a submariner is combat number showing his position. No shoulder-straps, no insignia".
First cruise and first dive of a young officer or seaman are great events for the entire crew. On this occasion, Valery Kazakov has conducted numerous honorable rituals in the sub's central post.
"Sacramental initiation" of submariner happens when a sub is under water. To become a real submariner, candidate should join the Ocean and the Metal. First, he has to empty a goblet of outboard ocean water, and then to kiss a sledge-hammer. To avoid injuries, sledge-hammer is normally slathered with grease lubricant. This ceremony is perfectly seen on video clips made by submariners. Initiation ritual or birthday inside the strength hull is always a festal occasion.
While Svyatoi Georgy prepares for combat patrol, her little sister Omsk is approaching snow-cowered pier. These are the happiest moments, say submariners. But paradox is that ocean deeps will call them again not later than in two days.
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