Photo: large ASW ship Marshal Shaposhnikov.

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Marshal Shaposhnikov is escorting another convoy through Gulf of Aden

Auxiliary vessels MB-37 and Pechenga paid a call at port of Salalah (Oman), added the interviewee.
PF warships shifted Northern Fleet (NF) task unit deployed in the region. New task unit is the fourth one dispatched by PF to fight piracy.
Large ASW ship Marshal Shaposhnikov has two deck-based helicopters. Besides, marine units are on board the ship and two auxiliary vessels.
First PF task unit consisting of large ASW ship Admiral Vinogradov and three auxiliary vessels patrolled coastwise Horn of Africa in Jan-March 2009. The second task unit headed by large ASW ship Admiral Panteleev – in Apr-June 2009. The third PF task unit led by large ASW ship Admiral Tributs was on combat watch in July-Oct 2009.
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