Photo: Andrei Denisov.

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Ukraine's denial to fulfill BSF agreement would be a crude violation of international law Russian MFA

Answering the question whether Ukraine could subsequently refuse to execute this agreement, the official said "no" added that "if an international agreement does not provide the right of withdrawal, in accordance to Vienna Convention, a country can retire only due to fundamental change of circumstances force majeure, circumstances of insuperable force, war, or gross and systematic violation of an agreement by another party". "Therefore, such agreements are guaranteed by the international law itself", underlined the diplomat.
Once Ukraine decides to withdraw from this treaty, it would be "an outrage of international law bringing this country into line of pariah states with all ensuing consequences", he concluded.
Denisov also drew attention to the gas matter. "It is important to keep in mind that gas component of the agreement practically eliminates the threat of any gas conflict at all; undoubtedly, that serves the interests of European energy preparedness", said A. Denisov. The agreement to prolong deployment of Russia's Black Sea Fleet in Crimea for 25 years after 2017 was signed on Apr 21 by the Russian and Ukrainian presidents Dmitry Medvedev and Viktor Yanukovich in Kharkov. Besides, the leaders agreed in privileges for Kiev 30% discount on gas price, but no more than $100 per 1,000 cubic meters. The discount would be considered as a part of Russia's lease payment for BSF based in Crimea.
The document was simultaneously ratified today by the parliaments of both countries.
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