Photo: Mistral-type helicopter carrier Tonnerre.

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Putin: Russia's neighbors should not tremble about Mistral issue

Russia and France hold talks on Mistral sale; the carrier is capable to carry six helicopters on the deck, four landing cutters or two air-cushion ships inside, and also up to 450 marines. Georgia had expressed concern as for the Russia's plan to purchase the carrier. Having said this was the two-side matter of Russia and France, Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili, however, aroused this question at the meeting with French president Nikolas Sarkozy held on June 8 in Paris.
Commenting the concern of Russia's neighbors, Putin said in interview to France Presse and France 2 TV channel that some countries supposed Russia could use such arms against their interests.
"Alright, this is offensive arms. Does France have such helicopter carriers in inventory? It does. Does France want to attack any country? By no means. So why do you think Russia will necessarily attack anybody with this ships? Let us call things by their proper names, if you mean our Georgian neighbors... Well, Georgia has a huge common land frontier with Russia. As a result of criminal actions unleashed by President Saakashvili two years ago, people were killed. And Russia had to protect lives of its peacekeepers and South Ossetian people. And Russia, I insist, had to use arms for this purpose", said the premier.
"We stopped 15-20 km away from Tbilisi. Not because we couldn't enter the capital but just because we didn't want to. We didn't want to fight at all, that's why our peacekeepers were there", underlined Putin.
In the night of Aug 8, 2008 Georgia cannonaded South Ossetia; Georgian troops attacked the republic and destroyed part of its capital city Tskhinvali. Protecting residents of South Ossetia many of which were Russian citizens, Russia brought troops into the republic and after 5-day operation pushed Georgian military out of the region. According to S Ossetian authorities, over 1,500 people were killed during the aggression. 67 Russian servicemen including peacekeepers were killed during the conflict. Late August 2008 Russia recognized independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
"You know, it's not a case to use such weapon systems like Mistral. Hopefully, God helps that it will never come to armed conflict between Russia and Georgia any more. Never. We did anything possible to prevent such developments and we're about to take every effort to such tragedy won't repeat again. Modern attack systems are capable to deliver strikes upon the whole territory of Georgia. And there's no need to use Mistral", underlined Putin.
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