Photo: Ship of the Freedom Flotilla.

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Russia insists on international inquiry into the Flotilla incident

In the night of May 31 Israeli warships detained vessels of international Freedom Flotilla which was carrying humanitarian aid to blocked Palestinian Gaza Strip. Nine persons (all are Turks) were killed and dozens were injured as a result of Israel's operation.
"All circumstances of the incident must be impartially investigated. That is the approach of UN Security Council and UN Human Rights Council which was acquired with Russia's assistance. Thus, we actively support efforts of United Nations and other parties to arrange an international investigation which would conform to the highest world standards, be complete, impartial, independent, and globally credible", said the Russian diplomat.
According to him, Moscow is convinced such steps would contribute to relieving the tension around Gaza Strip and promote peace process in general.
As for blockade of Gaza Strip, Russia holds to principled position that it should be ended as soon as possible, said Nesterenko.
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