Photo: Mistral-type helicopter carrier Tonnerre.

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Rosoboronexport started contract implementation of Mistral procurement

"Rosoboronexport was appointed the contract executor of French landing ship Mistral to be purchased by Russian defense ministry", he said.
"We act strictly within the limits of Russian legislation. It requires a number of stages including determination of technical parameters and negotiations involving Russian Ministry of Defense", said Isaikin.
He pointed out that Rosoboronexport had set up several panels of experts holding talks on Mistral procurement with French partners.
"All process is being conducted in close cooperation with defense ministry. That's a teamwork", said the director.
As was previously reported, Russia plans to get four carriers – one is to be built in France, other three are supposed to be constructed at Russian shipyards under French license. In its turn, the French party insists on sale of two completed ships.
Isaikin underlined that any orderer has the right to make own stipulations while talks on defense procurement.
"At present, Ministry of Defense outlines what exactly will be installed at the given type of ship – arms, navigation aids and so on. This work is being done by a special expert board", said the director.
He pointed out that talks on Mistral issue is a long process consisting of several stages until the defense ministry makes definitive decision what kind of ship it needs, and how many ships would be made in France and in Russia.
Multipurpose helicopter carrier Mistral has displacement of 21,000 tons; extreme hull length of 210 meters; max speed of 18 knots; operating range up to 20,000 miles; crew of 160 plus 450-man landing party. Air group consists of 16 helicopters; 6 of them can be simultaneously placed on the takeoff deck. Cargo deck can contain over 40 tanks or 70 trucks.
Speaking of rearmament and reformation of Russian Armed Forces, Isaikin said that so far nobody had estimated how much arms Russia would need to buy abroad.
"Only Russian defense ministry itself can determine how much Russian-made military hardware they would need to purchase in the nearest 10-15 years and which niches would be unoccupied during rearmament", Isaikin said.
As for him, if one roughly estimates volumes of foreign arms to be bought by Russia, "in spite of everything, that would not be a huge number".
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