Photo: Project 667BDRM Delfin submarine.

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Russian SLBM Liner Completed Flight Tests

SLBM Liner has similar flight characteristics with Sineva missile, but is equipped with more advanced antimissile barrier overcoming system. The new missile is capable to deliver up to 12 low-yield or up to four middle-yield warheads. Besides, Liner can carry combined payload. As was previously reported, commissioning of SLBM Liner would prolong subsistence of northeast grouping of Project 667BDRM submarines up to 2025-2030.
First reports about Liner tests leaked out on May 20, 2011; however, it was said then that Russian Navy had tested Sineva missile. The launch was carried out by SSBN K-84 Yekaterinburg. Later on, it was reported that had been Liner missile. Some experts assume Liner is modernized SLBM Sineva commissioned into Russian Navy in 2007.
Length of R-29RMU2 missile is about 15 meters; diameter is 1.9 meters; launch weight is over 40,000 tons. The missile system is capable to perform single and salvo launches from a submarine moving at depth down to 55 meters and at speed up to 7 knots. Sineva is capable to carry 4-8 warheads; its range is up to 8,300 km. According to defense ministry's plans, Sineva will be in Russian Navy's inventory up to 2030.
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Russian Navy News