Photo: Cruiser Ukraina.

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Ukraine Invested UAH 6 mln in Maintenance of Ukraina Cruiser

Note that mentioned Project 1164 missile cruiser is nothing else than notorious cruiser Ukraina, which servicing and export to fraternal Russia has been in the center of talks for recent years.
When Viktor Yanukovich was elected president, Ukraine started negotiations with Russia in order to sell missile cruiser Ukraina. However, the talks have led to nowhere so far.
Somewhat a month ago, Governor of Nikolayev region Nikolai Kruglov speaking of the cruiser's sale expressed confidence that after presidential elections Russia would realize the need for Ukraina. However, while the eastern neighbor is in a brown study, Ukrainian government has to seek for budget funds to maintain Project 1164 missile cruiser.
Reportedly, it annually takes UAH 6-8 mln to maintain the ship. Ukraine could get about $4 bln selling the completed cruiser.
It must be kept in mind that there were proposals to refit the cruiser into museum.
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