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Ukrainian corvette soiled Lake Donuzlav and Black Sea

Decommissioned Ukrainian corvette Izmail sank in Lake Donuzlav while hull dismantling. According to Crimea branch of Ministry of Emergencies, there is no environmental threat to aquatic area of Black Sea and Lake Donuzlav despite oil products spilled by the corvette.
According to the press service, dismantling works were carried out within Ukrainian military camp and submergence site was treated by absorbents.
The accident site was investigated by environmental inspectors and Ukrainian Security Service; sea water samples were also taken.
According to Ministry of Emergencies, at present there is no environmental threat to aquatic area of Black Sea and Lake Donuzlav. Environmental inspectors perform continuous monitoring.
Ukrainian media previously reported referring to Ukraine's Marine Biology Institute that Lake Donuzlav had been under threat of oil pollution. Oil products from sunken vessel Izmail have been entering the lake since March 28. The ship sank at the quay last Sunday as a result of hull damage, and since that time oil-polluted water continues to emerge. As of today, several kilometers of waterspace is covered with oil slick.
Scientists say such oil pollution may have a negative impact on phytoplankton, fish spawning, and in general on development perspective of the lake's commercial fishing activities.
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