Text: Northern Fleet Information Support Group
Photo: Rescue tug Pamir. Northern Fleet Information Support Group
Ships of the special mine-clearing unit returned to Northern Fleet naval bases after a mission held in Aug in Obskaya Bay (Kara Sea) near Yamal Peninsula. Minesweeper Vladimir Gumanenko, rescue tug Pamir, and hydrographic ship GS-405 were searching and destroying explosive objects. Tanker Sergei Osipov provided the unit with water and fuel.
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Northern Fleet mine-clearing unit completed mission and returned to bases
09/09/2011In the morning of Aug 8 the ships arrived at their permanent basing sites. Minesweeper Vladimir Gumanenko was triumphantly met with a band in Polyarny, tanker Sergei Osipov arrived at Murmansk harbor, and rescue tug Pamir moored at Northern Fleet (NF) main naval base Severomorsk.
The tug's crew was met by Capt 1 rank Vladimir Gorban, chief of NF Search and Rescue Service. He congratulated the sailors on successful accomplishment of important mission and completion of the cruise. Traditional piglet roast was handed over to the shipmaster Igor Andreyev, an "old whale" and Capt 1 rank retired.
According to the tug's crewmen, the mission in Obskaya Bay (especially diving works) was very complicated due to bad weather, strong wind and current, low underwater visibility, and oozy bottom. In some sites, ooze layer on the sea bottom was several meters thick, and divers had to work in the marsh conditions.
Totally, the unit has detected and destroyed 24 objects. None of them re-detonated, so either contained no explosives or dampened during the post-war period.
Summarizing results of the NF mine-clearing operation in Obskaya Bay, it can be said with confidence that the explored area is safe for sea-bottom works and anchorage.
Distinguished servicemen and civilian sailors taking part in the mine-clearing works will be put forward for decorations and other awards.