Illustration: BMP-3F.
Combat Capability [42%],
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Structure of the Navy,
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Indonesia Bought Russian Amphibious IFVs
05/12/2012As was earlier reported, the BMP contract will be implemented under the $1-bln export credit given by Russia to Indonesia in 2007. Indonesia planned to spend Russian money on ten Mi-17 transport helicopters, five Mi-35M attack helicopters, twenty BMP-3F amphibious vehicles, and two Project 877 Paltus diesel submarines.
In total, Indonesia would purchase up to 60 Russian infantry fighting vehicles within the next 2 years. BMP-3F vehicles for Indonesia will be manufactured by JSC Kurganmashzavod. Exported amphibious vehicles are expected to operate at 3-grade storm.
According to Detik News citing Maj Gen Ediwan Prabowo, with mentioned 37 vehicles overall amount of Russian-made BMP-3F operated by Indonesian Navy would be 54.