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Putin Sees No Problems for Serdiukov to Get New Job
11/19/2012"Neither investigators nor the court have laid personal claims to Serdiukov so far. It is presumption of innocence, a common practice when a person is considered innocent until court proves guilt", stated Putin.
"Speaking of his current working on a new position, say, as an adviser in Rostehnologii, it is incorrect information. He's unemployed so far. But if he wants to find a job and an employer would satisfy with that, I don't think we should hinder him. Every person has a right to work. It is not times of 1937 now", said the Russian leader.
Anatoly Serdiukov was dismissed after reports about large-scale misappropriations through the military-associated company JSC Oboronservis. Several criminal cases were initiated on that ground. Overall amount of damage exceeds RUR 3 billions. According to some sources, now the question is tens of billions, although official figures nave not been promulgated so far.
The couple of Yekaterina Smetanova and Maksim Zakutailo were arrested during the investigation. Mrs. Smetanova headed Expert Legal Support Center that was assessing defense ministry's property. Mr. Zakutailo used to be a prosecutor, lawyer, and then was appointed director of military deports for a short period.
Both of them studied in St. Petersburg State University together with Serdiukov, his wife Yulia Zubkova, and the co-director of JSC Oboronservis Mrs. Yevgenia Vasilyeva who used to lead defense ministry's property relations department.
Vasilyeva lived in high-class house downtown Moscow in adjacent flat with Serdiukov; moreover, the minister even was in her flat during the search. According to Kommersant newspaper, Serdiukov was on intimate terms with Vasilyeva, and in May 2012 his wife Mrs. Zubkova filed for divorce.
As was reported on Nov 14, Serdiukov was allegedly appointed an adviser to director general of state-led corporation Rostehnologii. The company confuted that information on the next day.