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Exercise of Pacific Fleet's Primorsk division started in Sea of Japan
10/06/2009 Source:Crews of submarines, surface ships, auxiliary vessels and naval aviation participate in multistage exercise of Pacific Fleet's Primorsk all-arms division started in the Sea of Japan, said representative of Pacific Fleet Information and Public Relations Service to RIA Novosti on Tuesday.
"The exercise is conducted under the flag of Capt 1st rank Viktor Sokolov, Deputy Commander of Primorsk all-arms division. Multistage maneuvers are aimed at working out training and combat tasks by sea surface and submarine forces. They will become the final stage of summer training period", specified the interviewee.
According to him, the crews of large and small antisubmarine ships are expected to carry out search operation in deep sea, detect "enemy" submarine and destroy it by torpedoes and depth bombs within three days.
"Submariners acting the enemy at this time will have to break through triple ring of antisubmarine warfare forces and in dueling situation defeat main targets of ship groupings", said the spokesman.
He remarked that eight combat ships, submarines and auxiliary vessels are involved in maneuvers. Antisubmarine warfare forces will be supported from the air by aircrafts and helicopters of Pacific Fleet's Air Force and Air Defense. With the help of special equipment airmen will also have to find "enemy" submarine which will try to break into certain zone at great depth. The command to torpedo the submarine will be generated upon its detection.
"Except for search operations Pacific mariners will perform artillery firing upon sea surface target, missile launches upon simulated aerial target and anti-subversive operations as well.
In total, over ten combat tasks are scheduled to be conducted at the exercise, some of them will be nominated for Navy Commander's Prize", said the representative of Pacific Fleet.