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K-51 Verkhoturye

K-51 Verkhoturye. Photo by podlodka.su
K-51 Verkhoturye is a 2nd generation Project 667BDRM Delfin Nuclear-Powered Ballistic Missile Submarine.
Gadzhievo, Northern FleetCONSTRUCTION, NAME
The submarine was laid down at PO Sevmashpredpriyatie shipyard (Severodvinsk) on February 23, 1981 under honorable name of Imeni XXVI Siezda KPSS; launched on March 7, 1984. She was commissioned at the same year and renamed into Verkhoturye on February 9, 1999.MILESTONES
In 1985-1986 missile system D-9RM with missiles R-29RM was tested on the sub; the system was commissioned in 1986.In September 2-29, 1987 the sub became the first in the project which carried a cruise to Arctic with missiles on board.
Surface speed: 14 knotsSubmerged speed: 24 knots
Operating depth: 320 - 400 meters
Test depth: 550 - 650 meters
Endurance: 90 days
Crew: 135 - 140 men
Surface displacement: 11,740 tonsSubmerged displacement: 18,200 tons
Extreme length (at design waterline): 167.4 meters
Extreme beam: 11.7 meters
Mean draft (at design waterline): 8.8 meters
4 x 533-mm bow torpedo tubes (12 torpedoes or 24 mines instead)16 SLBM R-29RM launchers
MANPADS 9K310 Igla-1/9K38 Igla launcher