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International Maritime Defence ShowFirst | Prev. | 5 6 7 8 9 | Next | Last
"The Ural Diesel Motor Factory"
At present, the Ural Diesel and Motor Factory develops, designs,
manufactures and further improves: see details.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
ZAO «Timos» founded in 1992 develops and manufactures
silicon piezoresistive pressure sensors and on basis of them
pressure transducers, which are isolated from measured media
by thin-film metal diaphragm and body.
New substances and know-how
"Trade House "Souz"
Official distributor Formica in Russian federation and respubliks,
full service off surfacing materials.
New substances and know-how
"Trading House "Vepr North-West"
«Trade Home «Vepr North-West» is manufacture and trade
company of power products, electrical equipment: pumps,
generators, marine engines.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
Transas Group is a world-leading developer and supplier of
a wide range of software, integrated solutions and hardware
technologies for the aviation and marine transportation industry,
including both onboard and shore-based applications.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries / Navigation hydrometeorological facilities / Other
"Transistor Plant"
We produce: general-purpose- and application-specific semiconductors and
ICs for radio and television, telephony, home appliances, automotive
and industrial applications, systems of energy saving.
New substances and know-how
CJSC Transmashholding is the largest Russian company in
the transport machine building industry.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
Our Company cooperates with production companies, research
and project organizations in the area of professional
translations from and into more than 50 foreign languages.
Treatment LTD has a fifteen-year experience in providing the
shipbuilders and dockyards with ship fittings shipboard equipment
and reinforcement.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries / IT
The Shipbuilding Company «Triumph» continues glorious traditions
of Russian boat construction.
Naval shipbuilding & architecture
JSC «TULAMASHZAVOD» produces: Anti-aircraft gun mounts and air defense integrated gunmissile
systems for ship armament... (see details).
Arms, weaponry & weapon-control systems / Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries / Other
ZAO Turborus provides support for consolidation of efforts
of Russian and Ukrainian companies specialized in development,
supply, maintenance and repair of marine gasturbine
engines and gas-turbine units designed on their base
for the Navy of the Russian Federation.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"TYPHOON Research and Production Enterprise"
TYPHOON JSC is one of the leading enterprises of Russia's
military-industrial complex, which manufactured hundreds of
complicated radio systems for ships of various classes.
Arms, weaponry & weapon-control systems / Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"Udachnaya expeditsiya"
We are in a position to offer you more than 50 models and
cases of 400 standard sizes, containers, mobile racks for
storage and transportation of equipment.
UGS works collaboratively with clients to create open enterprise
solutions that enable them to transform their process of
innovation and maximize value throughout all phases of the
product lifecycle.
"United Industrial Corporation"
United Industrial Corporation is managing assets worth $11.5
billion in the financial sector (International Industrial Bank),
mechanical engineering and shipbuilding industries (shipbuilding
plant «Severnaya Verf», Baltiysky Zavod (Baltic Shipyard),
«Iceberg» Design Office), aircraft industry («Sukhoi»
Design Office), and real estate industry (reconstruction of the
Kremlevsky Complex on the Red Square, development of a
new residential area on Vasilievsky Island in St. Petersburg,
construction of elite dwelling houses on Rublevo-Uspenskoe
shosse in the Moscow region, and development projects in
Sochi). Eniseyskaya Industrial Company, member of United
Industrial Corporation, is engaged in a railway construction
project and development of one of the world's largest coke
coal deposits in the Republic of Tuva.
Planning-programming-budgeting system, assurance, consulting
"Ural Optical & Mechanical Plant named after Mr. E. S. Yalamov"
FSUE PA «UOMZ» is one of the leading Russian enterprises
engaged in development and manufacturing of optronic and
opto-mechanical equipment for both military and civil applications.
Arms, weaponry & weapon-control systems / Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
For 65 years our company has been designing and producing
primary and secondary chemical current sources (CCS)
for various electrochemical systems batteries on their base.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"Uralsk Plant "Zenit"
For more than sixty five years
the production of many types of special products for needs
of Defence, civil products for various branches of industry
including oil-gas and agricultural and also wide spectrum of
consumer goods were organized at the plant.
Arms, weaponry & weapon-control systems
"V. Tikhomirov Scientific - research Institute of Instrument Design"
JSC NIIP is a leading enterprise of the Russian defense industrial
complex in terms of developing airborn weapon control
systems (WCS) and medium range air defense missile
systems (ADMS).
Arms, weaponry & weapon-control systems
VALCOM Ltd. has been developing & manufacturing a wide
range of pressure sensors & ultrasonic level switches for naval
applications since 1990.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
ViTec specializes in automated and semi-automated Test,
Measurement and Inspection applications for manufacturing,
transportation, biotech research, and power generation.
It specializes in development, manufacture
and repair of hydro acoustic aerial complexes.
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
Firm «Vodtransporpribor - Pusk» was founded in 1991 on
the basis of the regulating and deliver service of the plant
«Vodtransporpribor» being the pionner of hydroacoustic instrumentation
and armament in Russia.
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
BSTU «Voenmekh» conducts preparation on 26 militarytechnical
Personnel training
"Volga Shipyard"
Founded in 1970 as an experimental production facility to
the Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau in the framework of further
development of the production base originated in 1955,
Volga Experimental Plant was intended to realize new highspeed
ship designs, complete constructions techniques and
carry out full-scale tests.
Naval shipbuilding & architecture
"VSMPO - AVISMA Corporation"
Ingots, slabs, plates, sheets, billets, forgings, tubes from titanium (see details).
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"Vympel Shipyard"
VYMPEL Shipyard JSC is one of Russia's major yards building
medium- and low-tonnage sea-going and river-going vessels
intended both for naval, special-purpose and commercial
Naval shipbuilding & architecture
"WARSHIP TECHNOLOGY, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - RINA"
Warship Technology is published bi-monthly, informing the
international audience on the latest advances in the design,
construction and outfitting of naval vessels worldwide.
"Yaroslavl shipyard"
«Yaroslavl shipyard» JSC (Managing «Finsudprom» VP Ltd)
can offer the following to its customers fishery protection and fishing vessels of displacement 1200
- 1700 tons (see detail for the whole list).
Naval shipbuilding & architecture
Designing and manufacturing of the equipment for exploration
survey of the World's Ocean at 6000m depths: side-scan
sonars, acoustic profilographs, multibeam echosounders,
ROVs, underwater navigation systems, sampling devices
(water/sea bottom analysis).
Navigation hydrometeorological facilities / Other
"Zavod "Dvigatel"
For 130 years the Joint Stock Company «Zavod «Dvigatel»
has been designing and manufacturing naval underwater
weapons for the Russian Navy.
Arms, weaponry & weapon-control systems
"Zavod "Phiolent"
PC «Zavod «Phiolent» develops and produces under supervision
of military representatives from Russian ministry of
defense, Ukrainian ministry of defense, Register of Shipping
of Russian Federation 4th generation microprocessor-based
control systems for auxiliary on-board systems, machinery
and technical facilities installed aboard war-ships, hovercrafts,
sea drilling platforms, docks, gas-compressor units.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"Zavod im. Kozitskogo"
Zavod im. Kozitskogo is a key enterprise in the field of communication
facilities for the RF Navy and National Coast
Guard of the Russian Federal Security Service.
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
"Zeiss Optronik"
The product range includes sensors such as Thermal Imagers,
Laser Rangefinders and TV systems fUr applications
under harsh environmental conditions as well as high-accuracy
stabilized sensor platforms and periscopes.
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear / Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"Zelenodolsk Design Bureau"
Zelenodolsk Design Bureau is one of the leaders at the
Russian market of shipbuilding.
Naval shipbuilding & architecture
"Zelenodolsk Plant named after A. M. Gorky"
PHC «Zelenodolsk plant named after A. M. Gorky» stands at
the beginning of construction of the first in Russia high-speed
ships and hovercrafts with dynamic principles of support.
Naval shipbuilding & architecture
Nowadays JSC «ZIKSTO» is an enterprise that has kept its
infrastructure and unique technology, technical and staff potential
in spite of difficult terms of market.
Arms, weaponry & weapon-control systems
"Zlatoust Weapons company"
Zlatoust Weapons Company specializes in hand-work, highly
artistic cold steel wine and cognac sets, cups, prizes, decorative
souvenirs, pictures, home utensils such as: caskets,
small chests, salvers, candlesticks, hunting and tourist knives
and hatchets.
Development, production and service of following products: space-effective high-speed marine diesel engines of 16/17
and 18/20 sizes and geared diesel sets up to 7360 kW sizes
for high-speed sea- and river-going ships and boats of various
applications, high-speed passenger vessels (see details).
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
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