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Development and manufacture of video monitors with liquid
crystal panels (see details for more info).
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
The Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Avrora» Corporation
S&P develops, manufactures supplies, ensures warranty maintenance
and servicing of onboard hardware automated control
systems for submarines and naval surface ships, as well
as automated information and control systems, integrated
bridge systems and systems for all classes of ships including
nuclear icebreakers, civil ships, mineral resources reconnaissance
and mining ships, dynamically supported ships, deepwater
Naval shipbuilding & architecture / Arms, weaponry & weapon-control systems / Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
"Azov Cable"
Production and supply of the ship cables, cables for the deepdiving
vehicles, cables for special purposes, carrying cables,
flame-retardant, fire-resistant and other cables, including on
customer's design.
Arms, weaponry & weapon-control systems / Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear / Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"Azovsky Optiko-Mekhanichesky Zavod"
Devices for aerospace complex. Industrial sewing machines. Agricultural machinery. Spectral devices. Optics.
"Baltiysky Zavod"
Baltiysky Zavod specializes in construction of naval ships, large
merchant ships for transportation of different cargoes and icebreakers
(with nuclear and diesel power plants).
Naval shipbuilding & architecture
"Baranchinsky Electromechanical Plant"
Development, tests and repairs of middle power electric machines.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"Bee Pitron Electric"
Licenses for development and manufacture of aviation technical
equipment, including double purpose, development,
manufacture and repair of arms and military technical equipment.
"Beriev Aircraft Company"
Beriev Aircraft Company was established in 1934 and is world
known for its developments in hydroaviation.
Fleet air arm
«Bius» is a special enterprise dealing with repair of radio electronic
armament of the NAVY submarines, surface ships and
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
"BrahMos Aerospace"
BRAHMOS supersonic cruise missile has been developed
jointly by Indian & Russian scientists, as a joint venture effort.
Arms, weaponry & weapon-control systems
Manufacturing of shipboard fittings and heat-exchange apparatuses.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
R&D Institute «Centreprogramsystem» specializes in developing,
producing, and implementation of software and information
systems designed for various applications.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries / IT
"Central Design Bureau For Marine Engineering "Rubin"
SOE «CDB «Rubin» is the largest design bureau in Russia
by which projects more than 1000 submarines have been
constructed - from small-size conventional submarines to
strategic nuclear underwater missile-carriers.
Naval shipbuilding & architecture
"Central Research Institute "Kometa"
Design, development and manufacture of Electro-optical
Equipment for Naval, Space, Air-born and ground applications.
Arms, weaponry & weapon-control systems / Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear / Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"Central Research Institute of Automatics and Hydraulics"
Central Research Institute of Automatics and Hydraulics (TSNIIAG)
has developed systems for artillery device targeting, tank
weaponry stabilization systems, homing systems for rocket
booster complexes, power drivers for various control objects
guidance on the surface, under the water and in space, systems
of high-accuracy missiles control and automatic targeting.
Arms, weaponry & weapon-control systems / Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear / Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"Central Research Institute of Shipbuilding Technology"
CRIST is the leading Technological Shipbuilding and Ship
Repair Center, multiline research and production
Naval shipbuilding & architecture
"Central Research Institute of Marine Engineering"
Close JSC «CRI of Marine Engineerin» established in1970 is
the leading research and development Russian institute engaged
in creating ship machinery installed practically on all
home-built ships, from heavy aircraft-carriers to pleasure boats.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"Central Scientific Research institute "Kurs"
OJSC «CSRI «KURS» performs complex researches in the
interests of naval and civilian shipbuilding.
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
"Central Scientific & Research Institute Elektropribor Corporation"
The Institute completes a full cycle of work, from fundamental
research and investigations to manufacturing and in-service
follow-up of its products.
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear / Navigation hydrometeorological facilities
"Central Valve Design Bureau"
Central Valves Design Bureau, Scientific and Production Firm,
is a leading engineering company in valves industry, realizing
the complete operation cycle - from scientific researches,
standartization, development up to complete delivery of
pipeline valves for industrial objects of any complicity, also
the company assures service maintenance during the whole
product life cycle.
New substances and know-how
ChipEXPO is the leading Russian exhibition on electronics,
microelectronics and components which is organized annually
in the best Moscow exhibition complex EXPOCENTR.
"Chkalovsk Shipyard"
Chkalovsk Shipyard's fundamental productions are ships of
technical fleet: big heavy dredgers and dredging pumps, selfpropelled
and non-self-propelled dirt boats, pushers and dump
scows as well as parts groups of ships, sluices, floating scoop
dredgers and dredging pumps.
Naval shipbuilding & architecture
"Company Impulse"
Open Joint-Stock Company «Company Impulse» - former
Krasnodar Factory of Radio Measuring Instruments - is in the
market of radio measuring equipment for 40 years.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
JSC «Component-ASU» is the Russian developer, the manufacturer
and the supplier of modern hardware-software means
for automated management systems for different applications.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"Concern "Granit-Electron"
JSC «Concern «Granit-Electron» was established in 2005 on
the basis of CSRI «Granit», it incorporates JSC «Severny
Press», JSC «Ravenstvo», JSC «A.A. Kulakov plant».
Arms, weaponry & weapon-control systems
"Concern "Oceanpribor"
JSC «Concern «Oceanpribor» was established in 2006 making
full of recreation the Central research institute «Morphispribor» with the purpose to amalgamate domestic scientific
and production potential in an area of underwater acoustics.
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
"Concern "Radio Technical and Information Systems"
Principal directions of JSC «Concern «RTI Systems» activity
are development and manufacture of radars for strategic defense
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
"Concern "Sea Underwater Weapon - Gidropribor"
The OJSC «Concern «Sea Underwater Weapon - Gidropribor»
is the assignee of the CRI Gidropribor FSUE and is the leading
organization in Russia engaged in creating marine underwater
weapons and special-purpose underwater equipment.
Arms, weaponry & weapon-control systems
"Concern "Systemprom"
Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Concern «Systemprom» was
established in 1991.
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
"Concern Morinformsystem-Agat"
Today, the basic directions of Concern Morinformsystem-Agat
activity are the development and production of the ship integrated
combat information-and control systems, complex
means of control automation of the naval forces, the integrated
automated control systems of the submarines weapon, ship
digital computing systems, ship control systems of anti-mine
actions, the ship unified computers, training and simulator
complexes, coastal and ship radars, sea artillery complexes
and also the mobile coastal missile systems.
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
"Concern of medium and small tonnage shipbuilding"
Development, construction, repair and modernization of ships
(boats), watercraft, floatage and ship systems of various purpose,
sea and coastal constructions for development of a continental
Naval shipbuilding & architecture
OJSC «Connector» is a specialized enterprise engaged in
production and development of cylindrical and rectangular
electrical connectors.
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear / Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"Consistent Software Distribution"
Consistent Software Distribution is a leading russian distributor
of CAD software and specialized hardware - plotters, scanners,
engineering systems.
Development, production and supplies of ECDIS, compact
navigation and communication systems, monitoring systems
and optoelectronic control systems.
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
CRM are the world's lightest and most reliable marine diesel
engines in their power range and are distinctive for their performance,
safety and reliability over 6000 h.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"Cryogenic Technique"
STC «Cryogenic Technique» carry out the full cycle of works
on research, development, manufacture, run into operation,
staff training and service maintenance of cryogenic technique,
products of microcryogenic and cooling equipment, vacuum
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"CSoff - Bureau ESG"
Company specializes in inculcation of complex hardware/software
solutions in the sphere of CAD/CAM/CAE, document flow
and archives of design and technical documentation
Naval shipbuilding & architecture
Defence Review Asia is published by the Asian Press Croup
Pte Ltd, based in Singapore.
"Defensa & Seguridad Mercosur"
This publication is distributed in: Armed forces and of Security,
Companies of Technology, Manufacturers, Economic, Air
Consultancies and of Transport, Cameras of Security and of
Communication, Embassies, Military Agregadurias, Governments
and a wide spectrum of professionals and companies
of the private sphere, besides being marketed in public roads.
"Defense, magazine"
Leading Spanish defence monthly magazine.
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