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Corvette Soobrazitelny Joined Russian Navy

The solemn flag-hoisting ceremony was held right after signing of the corvette acceptance certificate.
The meting associated with the first ensign hosting was attended by Baltic Fleet (BF) Commander Vice Admiral Viktor Chirkov, Director General of JSC Severnaya Verf shipyard Andrei Fomichev, representatives of JSC United Shipbuilding Corporation, sponsor of the ship, and Navy veterans.
Opening the meeting, VADM Viktor Chirkov signified his satisfaction that the newest corvette was commissioned into Baltic Fleet and thanked shipbuilders for advanced ship yielding to none of present-day foreign analogs. The shipyard's Director General Andrei Fomichev in his turn promised to continue building ships of such kind and even better for our Navy and for export.
Russian Navy veteran Admiral (retired) Vasily Yeremin who in 80's used to be commanding officer of Project 61 large ASW ship Soobrazitelny said: "Today we're hoisting ensign on corvette Soobrazitelny which is the third ship in our Navy ever born such name. The ship I had a chance to command was a Guard ship inherited the Guard ensign from Black Sea Fleet destroyer which awarded that title for valor shown in the Great Patriotic War. I wish present-day crewmen serve to the Motherland in the same worthy way their predecessors did and deserve the Guard title!"
The ship's sponsor Tatiana Maikova gifted a neck of champagne bottle she traditionally smashed at the corvette's board while launching to the commanding officer.
When the meeting was over, BF Commander went aboard the corvette to see the crew full-dressed and paraded on the afterdeck. Capt 1 rank Ali Habibulayev, Leningrad Naval Base Repair Brigade Commander read off the decree of Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky No. 601 issued on Oct 14, 2011 about commissioning of corvette Soobrazitelny into Russian Navy. The corvette will serve in BF Surface Ship Brigade, Baltiysk.
Commanding officer of corvette Soobrazitelny reported the ship was ready for the first flag-hoisting. When a priest consecrated the ship's colors, the commanding officer traditionally kissed the flag and then an attention calling command was given.
National flag of the Russian Federation was hauled down synchronously with hoisting of the St. Andrew's flag which is Russian Navy's ensign. On decision of BF Commander, the lowered national flag will be handed over to Severnaya Verf museum. After the flag-hoisting ceremony, all crew made a photo.
Russian Orthodox Church presented an onboard place of worship which will always spirit crewmen for service to the Motherland.
In the morning of Oct 15 the corvette headed for basing site in Baltiysk.
Project 20380 corvette Soobrazitelny (serial number 1002) was laid down at JSC Severnaya Verf shipyard on May 20, 2003 and launched on March 31, 2010. She is the first serial (second hull) ship of the project. Soobrazitelny differs from the lead ship corvette Stereguschiy in armament and equipment. In particular, instead of missile/gun antiaircraft system Kortik-M, the ship is armed with SAM system Redut (8 launchers for SAM 9M-96 with range of up to 40 km). There are other innovations applied on the basis of the lead ship's operational experience communication aids, automatics, and general-purpose systems have been improved. Project 20380 was designed by Almaz Design Bureau, project designer is I.N. Ivanov.At present, Severnaya Verf builds other 2 ships of this project Boiky (serial number 1003), and Stoiky (serial number 1004), as well as a modernized Project 20385 corvette (serial number 1005). Amur Shipyard also constructs Project 20380 corvette Sovershenny (serial number 2101).
Basic characteristics of Project 20380 corvette:
Full displacement 2,100 tons
Dimensions: length 104.6 meters, beam - 13 meters, draft 3.7 meters
Full speed - 27 knots
Fuel range 4,000 miles at 14 knots
Endurance 15 days
Propulsion plant 2 x 11,660-shp diesels DDA12000, 4 x 630-kW diesel generators
Armament: Uran anti-ship system (2 launchers, 8 missiles), Redut SAM system (32 missiles), MANPADS Igla (8 missiles), one 100-mm gun mount A-190, two 30-mm guns AK-630M, two launchers of Paket-NK antitorpedo system (8 torpedoes), two anti-terror grenade launchers DP-64, antisubmarine warfare helicopter Ka-27.
Radioelectronics, sonars, and communication aids are standard for ships of this class.
Crew - 98 including 14 officers.
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