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World Discusses Counter-Piracy Effectiveness in Dubai

Under the declared title - "Regional Response to Maritime Piracy: Enhancing Public-Private Partnerships and Strengthening Global Engagement" – it is planned to analyze economical and humanitarian damage inflicted by sea piracy, and discuss improvement of anti-piracy activities by cooperation between private companies and governmental authorities.
According to the conference initiators, since 2007 about 3,500 sailors were taken hostages by pirates and 62 sailors were killed during pirate attacks. International Maritime Bureau reports that 43 piracy incidents have happened since the beginning of the year; 8 vessels were captured and 144 sailors were taken hostages. At present, pirates hold 15 ships with over 250 men. Out of them, about 150 men have spent over a year in captivity, and 26 sailors – over two years. Global commerce yearly loses about $12 bln because of piracy.
In its turn, directors of EU anti-piracy operation Atalanta point out that effectiveness of pirate attacks has reduced from 28% in 2009 down to 14% in 2011, although violence against captured sailors has increased. In total, 176 pirate attacks were registered through 2011.
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