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China Sends Patrol Ships to Islands Nationalized by Japan

Experts say it was China's reaction on the decision made on Monday by Japanese government to buy three disputable islands from a private owner, reports Interfax.
According to TAR-TASS referring to Xinhua, China has a sovereignty protection plan and will take appropriate steps depending on the situation development.
Recall that Japanese government on Tuesday nationalized the Senkaku Islands; China considers the islands own territory illegally occupied.
Japanese government on Monday officially affirmed the decision to buy Senkaku islands from private owners. Nationalization of the territories contested by China will cost Tokyo $26 mln. Meanwhile, China has already warned the neighbor it would protect the islands' sovereignty by all means.
Japan's plans aroused indignation of China. Beijing will not leave this step unanswered, said a spokesman for Chinese foreign ministry on Monday. As for him, unilateral actions of Japan regarding the Diaoyu Islands are illegal and invalid. China is totally against that and carefully track the situation in order to protect the national sovereignty, said the diplomat.
He reminded that Diaoyu and adjacent islands are considered Chinese territory, historically and legally.
As was declared after ministerial meeting, lands owned by private persons would be purchased for $26 mln.
Japan buys three islands – Uotsuri, Kitako, and Minamiko – by money taken from reserve fund because of financial problems, reports ITAR-TASS.
Tokyo authorities were the first who in April declared the intentions to privatize the contested territories. Later on, Japanese government expressed the wish to nationalize the disputable lands and offered about $25 mln to owners.
Recall that the islands discovered by the Chinese were conquered by Japan late in 19-th century after the First Sino-Japanese War. However, being defeated in the World War II, Tokyo lost all conquered territories, and the islands went under jurisdiction of the US.
In 70's, the US returned Okinawa and Senkaku islands to Japan. At present, Japan formally controls one of the five islands and had been renting the rest ones refusing to buy them from private owners until the recent time.
In mid July 2012, the territorial dispute became strained again when several Chinese ships approached Senkaku. That immediately aroused protest of Japanese government; its ambassador was recalled from Beijing to take consultations. Chinese foreign minister Yang Jiechi replied to his Japanese counterpart Koichiro Gemba that the archipelago was originally Chinese territory since ancient times and that China had unquestionable dominion over the islands.
By the end of Aug 2012, territorial conflict between the two states had aggravated to the maximum. Even the US interfered and warned China that American military would come to Japan's help in accordance with the bilateral collective defense agreement.
However, the experts then said the dispute would not result in armed conflict. "The clash like it was between Britain and Argentine over the Falkland Islands in 1982 will unlikely happen now. Japan is backed by the US. Yet China is not ready to step into conflict with America. That is outside of the Beijing's strategy. I suppose, economic warfare is what will make this issue settled", vice president of Academy of Geopolitical Affairs and Doctor of Military Science Konstantin Sivkov earlier told Vzglyad newspaper.
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