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News of the day
Russian Navy to get a quarter of defense budget
Russian Navy to get a quarter of defense budget
Russian Prime Minister to visit Arkhangelsk shipyards
Russian Prime Minister to visit Arkhangelsk shipyards
New Russian frigates will be named in honor of tsarist admirals
New Russian frigates will be named in honor of tsarist admirals
Decision on Mistral sale is not made due to controversies
Decision on Mistral sale is not made due to controversies
Swedish Navy Commander: "I see no threat from Russia in the Baltic"
Swedish Navy Commander: "I see no threat from Russia in the Baltic"
Cruiser Avrora remains in Russian Navy
Cruiser Avrora remains in Russian Navy
Establishment of Russia's overseas naval bases needs careful state participation Medvedev
Establishment of Russia's overseas naval bases needs careful state participation Medvedev
Exporting newest arms, Russia hurts its defense capacity poll results
Exporting newest arms, Russia hurts its defense capacity poll results
Mistral is an easy-to-scupper and warm-weather ferry documentation analysis
Mistral is an easy-to-scupper and warm-weather ferry documentation analysis
Envelopes with Russian Navy's tender applications were opened
Envelopes with Russian Navy's tender applications were opened
France sends instructors with Mistral heli-carrier to be built for Russia
France sends instructors with Mistral heli-carrier to be built for Russia
St. Petersburg Submariners' Club addressed an appeal to preserve status of cruiser Avrora
St. Petersburg Submariners' Club addressed an appeal to preserve status of cruiser Avrora
Intergovernmental committee: Russia and China have good prospects in military cooperation
Intergovernmental committee: Russia and China have good prospects in military cooperation
Russia acquired Antarctic strategy
Russia acquired Antarctic strategy
Rosoboronexport received interesting proposals at Euronaval-2010
Rosoboronexport received interesting proposals at Euronaval-2010
Russian and French shipbuilders to create consortium
Russian and French shipbuilders to create consortium
Russian defense ministry: SLBM Bulava has been launched successfully
Russian defense ministry: SLBM Bulava has been launched successfully
SSBN Dmitry Donskoy sailed off to launch Bulava
SSBN Dmitry Donskoy sailed off to launch Bulava
Russian defense ministry issued a tender for helicopter carriers
Russian defense ministry issued a tender for helicopter carriers
Black Sea Fleet to get 18 new warships and renew naval aviation till 2020
Black Sea Fleet to get 18 new warships and renew naval aviation till 2020
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