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Kondopoga. Photo from forums.airbase.ru
Kondopoga is a Project 775 Large Landing Ship (LLS)
The ship was built in Gdansk (Poland); commissioned in 1976. Till 1977 the ship's name was SDK-182, then BDK-182. In 1996 it was renamed into Kondopoga in honor of the town of Kondopoga which took patronage over the ship.MILESTONES
In May 2008 the ship participated in landing demonstration on unprepared coast arranged for trainees of RF General Staff Academy.Since July 10 through August 29, 2012 the ship was deployed in the Barents, the Norwegian, and the North seas, in the North Atlantic and various parts of the Mediterranean jointly with ships of Baltic, Black Sea, and Northern fleets under general direction of Northern Fleet's Kola Flotilla Commander RADM Vladimir Kasatonov from the board of landing ship Georgy Pobedonosets.
Speed: 18 knotsOperational range: 6,000 miles at 12 knots
Crew: 87 men
Displacement: 4,080 tonnesLength: 112.5 meters
Beam: 15 meters
Draft: 3.7 meters
CODAD powerplant, two screws, total power is 19,200 shpARMAMENT
2 coupled 57-mm gun mounts AK-7252 launchers of MLRS A-215 Grad-M
4 launchers of MANPADS Strela-2
Capacity is up to 500 tonnes of armor vehicles and 225 marines