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Business catalogue
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"Iceberg Central Design Bureau"
JSC CDB Iceberg is the only Russian bureau specializing in
designing icebreakers including ones with nuclear power
Naval shipbuilding & architecture
"Imdex Asia"
DIMDEX 2008 - Doha International Maritime Defence Expo will
be held in Doha, Qatar from 17-20 March 2008.
"Indian Defence Yearbook"
Indian Defence Yearbook is recommended by Military HQ for
all officers for promotion examinations.
Informvideopress offers the entire package of services a company,
a corporation or a public organisation may need to participate
in a major international show, forum, workshop or conference.
INFOSOFT has been dealing with IT since 1989; one of our
major activities is the development of the industry-specific
software for strategic and online planning, information support
for the quality control and production management at the
military enterprises.
You will find the full information on 2000 branch companies of
Russia and Ukraine in the annual catalogue «Shipbuilding.
Ship repair. The ship equipment. Navigation».
"Integral SPb"
Development, manufacture and delivery of electronic components
for special assignment.
INTEK JSC deals with design and manufacturing of radar signals and data processing computing devices for
equipment samples (see details for more info).
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
The main trends of activity: telecommunications networks and
systems integration; equipment for multi service corporate
networks; communication systems for local internal purposes;
telecommunications for military & industrial sector.
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear / Support services
The company is concentrated
on development and application of CAD/CAM systems.
IXSEA designs and manufactures a range of Gyrocompass
and Inertial Navigation Systems, Underwater acoustic systems,
seafloor mapping equipment and solutions.
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear / Navigation hydrometeorological facilities
"J.P. Sauer & Sohn Maschinenbau"
J.P. Sauer & Sohn Maschinenbau GmbH represents a leading
supplier of high-pressure compressors and compression
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
TETIS holding is Russian leader in the design, supply and
manufacture of diving, firefighting, rescue and subsea equipment
for military, commercial and professional applications.
Search-and-rescue aids
"Katav-lvanovsk Maritime Instrument Making Plant"
Magnetic compasses with diameter card from 40 up to 145
mm for the ships and courts of all classes - visual, with optical,
electronic transfer of a rate.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"Kazakhstan Engineering" National company"
company is formed as holding structure for maintenance of
uniform financial, industrial and technological policy at the largest
military enterprises of the republic.
Arms, weaponry & weapon-control systems
"Kazan Elektrotechnikal Factory"
The shipborne radar identification equipment.
The facility 67P.
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
"Kolomensky zavod"
JSC «Kolomensky Zavod» is a leading enterprise in Russia,
specializing in railway transport and power engineering.
"Kovrov Electromechanical Plant"
Specialization: hydraulic and electric gun and device stabilizers,
hydraulic drives, switch and control units, gyroscopes and
navigation systems.
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
"Krasnogorsky Zavod"
The «S.A. Zverev Krasnogorsky Zavod» Joint-Stock Company
is Russia's leading developer and manufacturer of the wide
gamut of optical-and-mechanic and optoelectronic devices and
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
"Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute"
Research and development works, standard tests and estimations,
development of regulatory and guideline documentation
in the following fields: performance, seakeeping and
manoeuvrability of surface naval & merchant ships, submarines,
torpedoes; strength and vibration of ship structures;
propellers and waterjet design; acoustics; electromagnetic field;
power plant machinery.
Naval shipbuilding & architecture / Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"Kulakova Plant"
Manufacture and supply of a marine equipment for ships of
different types and purposes.
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
"Kursk "PRIBOR" "AVIAAVTOMATIKA" Design Bureau"
The Kursk «Pribor» JSC «Aviaavtomatika» Design Bureau is
one of the leading developers in the field of avionics.
Fleet air arm
"LAboratory of New Information Technology"
LANIT group of companies - «Laboratory of New Information
Technology» - is a leading centre for informational and technological
services in Russia and CIS.
"Ladoga Plant"
??? Ladoga Plant is one of the leaders on the Russian market
of hydroacoustic equipment for the navy.
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
LAGUK Co. Ltd. - privately established and owned company
since 1996 to gain unique experience in promoting different
defense, aerospace, shipbuilding, security and industry publications
over Russia and CIS market.
"Lazurit Central Design Bureau"
Design and Construction: submarines and deep-water vehicles
with any propulsion; underwater rescue ships and vehicles;
subsea drilling systems and technical support vessels
for construction of oil and gas fields; vessels of civil designation,
including transport and fishing ones; unit-type diesel, gasturbine,
floating nuclear electric power plants, medical hyperbaric
Naval shipbuilding & architecture
"Leading Production and Technical Enterprise "Granit"
The joint-stock company the GPTP «Granit» is engaged in
development and manufacturing of its own line of the automatic
testing equipment (ATE).
"Leningrad optico-mechanical Association"
«LOMO» PLC is the oldest optico-mechanical enterprise at
the territory of former Soviet Union.
JSC «LGM» is one of the oldest and most experienced
Russian enterprise which supplies almost all key
industries with high quality pump equipment.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
JSC «LIT-PHONON» is the leading company in Russia dealing
with development and manufacturing of quartz crystal controlled
oscillators and resonators with high frequency stability
which meet severe requirements under mechanical, climatic
and radiation environment conditions.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"Machine and technology automation"
The enterprise designs, manufactures and assures the supply
of the following products: control systems (propulsion engine remote automated systems,
diesel generator remote automated systems, integrated
distributed control systems (technology automated control
systems), control systems for ship's electric power plants,
engine telegraphs; monitor emergency systems , sensors).
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"Machine-building plant "Arsenal"
At present time JSC «Machine-building
plant «Arsenal» occupies the leading positions in development
and production of new samples of artillery arms and
launchers, which are settled practically at all surface ships in
Russian NAVY and military fleets of other states.
Arms, weaponry & weapon-control systems
"Main Company Financials, Industrial Group "High-Speed Ships"
At present the company units shipbuilding
yards, design bureaus, machinery plant.
Naval shipbuilding & architecture / Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"MAN Diesel"
MAN Diesel is a global group of companies and a member of
the MAN Group, based in Munich - Germany.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
OJSC «Manotom» is the leading instrument-making company
in Russia by production of technical, marine, railway, electronic,
explosion-protected, ammoniac, shakeproof and digital
manometers, pressure and temperature sensors, manometers
for military use.
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"Manufacturing Firm "Binom"
The company manufactures production samples of special-purpose radar devices and
such radar systems as «Garpun», «MRK - 57» (see details for more info).
Engines, hull systems, auxiliaries
"Marine Bridge & Navigation Systems"
JSC «Marine Bridge and Navigation Systems» works in
the market of shipbuilding since 1991 and specializes in
the field of navigation, a radio communication, automation
of the equipment for courts and the ships of all classes
and purposes.
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
"Marine Complexes & Systems"
Coastal two-band radar-television complex «Baltica-BTB»
Navigational K-band radars MP-2PV (see details for the full list of services).
Combat control systems, signal operation, electronic & radio technical equipment & sonar gear
Supporting Navy ships during their life cycle to the satisfaction
of our customers around the world by MARLOG Marine
Logistik - a technical-logistic orientated company founded by
HDW and MAN Ferrostaal 1979.
Support services
«Mashinostroenie» Publishers is the largest Russian scientific
and technical publishing house.
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