Text: Western Military Press Service
Photo: Western Military Press Service
Northern Fleet (NF) task unit consisting of landing ships Alexander Otrakovsky, Georgy Pobedonosets, and Kondopoga on Aug 29 returned to Severomorsk from the Mediterranean Sea through northeast Atlantic.

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Northern Fleet Landing Ships Returned from Deployment

The crews were triumphantly met in the NF main naval base. The ceremony was attended by NF Commander VADM Vladimir Korolev. He congratulated mariners on successful mission accomplishment and highly appreciated their actions within Russian Navy's interfleet task forces in different regions of northeast Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea.
NF servicemen have jointly accomplished numerous training tasks with ships of Baltic and Black Sea fleets under deneral direction of NF Kola Flotilla Commander Rear Admiral Vladimir Kasatonov from the board of landing ship Georgy Pobedonosets.
Mariners held dozens of drills exercising in antiaircraft and antisubmarine defenses, sea rescue operations, anchorage and underway transshipment, navigation security, communication and control.
Attached marine units polished their professional skills as well. During the cruise, they carried out numerous small arms firing drills.
Long-range cruise of the NF task unit lasted about 2 months. Through that period, the ships have covered over 10,000 nautical miles operating in the Barents, the Norwegian, and the North seas, in the Atlantic, and in different parts of the Mediterranean Sea.
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